There is no doubt in my mind that fall has become my favorite season. From the cool air creeping in to the colors changing on the trees. The smell of pumpkin and apple cider fills our home.
Hammonton is our hometown and any family in this area, I’m sure would agree we have an amazing community that comes to life this time of year.
Walks in the park watching leaves change colors and fall to the ground. Fall festivals and carnivals, parades, corn mazes and farm markets, trunk or treats, kids’ groups, after school activities yard sales, haunted hay rides and, in our home the most talked about, fall sports.
Our calendar is full once again with football games and baseball games. Although there are so many fall sports to enjoy, our community as diverse as it can be, still coming together to make families feel safe and provides entertainment to all ages. Everywhere you turn, there are clubs and groups welcoming new members with open arms, providing community services and ways to socialize with others who have common interests.
The fall season is most special to our family because it marks the end of a busy farming season. Family time together and even some fun fall adventures.
Hammonton has long been known for its farming community. The long hard working summer hours are behind us and weekends spent at ball games and community events make memories for us and our children. Summer was once my favorite season but, Fall has taken its place and been added to a list our family lives by. Faith, family, farming, friends, food, football, fall and fun.
Jaime Wuillermin is the copy editor and office manager for The Gazette. Wuillermin can be reached at jwuillermin@hammontongazette.com.