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Weekly DiDonato’s bowling highlights

Writer: Tim CramerTim Cramer

courtesy photo

Hello again everyone and welcome back. This column has not only been well received but well-read, and, I thank all of you for your kindness. Now it's your turn. I'm looking for your great bowling scores or stories from years past at DiDonatos Bowling Center when it was 16 lanes or now the 26-lane version. You can Facebook friend me, send it here to the Gazette and Craig will get it to me or messege me on Facebook with your scores or stories. This week’s history may feature your names as I go back and list 25 of the top bowlers of DiDonatos over the years that I have bowled. And they will be in no certain order so no one is No. 1 or No. 25. That's coming up a little later.

But first we rekindle the autumn flames of the highest scoring week in our history as for the first time ever we had four 800+ series in one night and this spans 10 years.

The talent pool of our league is nothing short of amazing as many of the bowlers here can compete anywhere and they do. Yours truly led the scoring this week and I am humbled and so very honored to have accomplished this. I never shy away from my age but to just be mentioned in the same sentence with these great younger and young bowlers at 67 years old is something that I will never forget. For the first time in many years, I rattled off a sizeable 800 series with games of 277, 297 and 266 featuring 22 in a row at one point the old man with a C totaled 840. That my friends really made me smile brightly and sent hugs up to my brother Jim and my buddy John LaPaglia and I wish they were here to enjoy this with me. Friends I was on cloud nine or pick a number yourself and I was on that numbered cloud.

The other three fantastic bowlers who also shot 800 this week are Mike Costello (Stayo) with the first 25 in a row as he flirted very seriously with a 900 series. He was lights out the first two games and many thought he was making a run? A tough break in game three, frame two ended it but Mike still had a pair of 300 perfecto games and a 227 for 827.

Also tying a record with his third-straight 800 series Steve Costello (Steverrz) crushed the pins again with 278, 290 and 256 for another monster series this time an 824.

The final 800 was by a very familiar face and great bowler Chris Calascione with 246, 264 and a 300 final game for the record fourth 800 series give Chris a 810.

This was beyond amazing as one 800 any week is something to cheer for let alone four.

Before the 700s let’s check the standings: S team leads the way with10-2 following the S Team is Only thumbs and NJ Curveball a game behind at 9-3. Four weeks left.

Fabulous 5 High averages: No nicknames if you’re in the top five, people need to know who’s leading and therefore Mike Costello inches up to a tenuous lead with 255. Rich Preuster right there with 254, Bob Luderitz at 253 Continuing his personal climb up the average ladder Chris Calascione with 249 and tied for fifth Steve Costello and the old man yours truly with 236. Elaine Post leads Alex Preuster 170-168 this week.

We go to the 700s now and another record this past Thursday as for the first time ever we had as many 800s as 700s four each. Fantastic! Leading the 700 parade was Kial Purnell who crushed his average and series by 150 pins with 275, 211 and 288 for amore then brilliant 774. Way to go Kial! Another workmanlike week for the Diesel with 253, 265 and 231 for a tremendous 749. Hats off to Paul Capone with his first 300 game and big congratulations. He also had a 233 for a big 705 series. Bill Alber rounds out the 700s with 278, 213 and 211 for his 702. Way to go men.

Before the 600s it’s time for “Bowling History” and tonight my first 25 names and if you have one or yourself send it in to make the list and now the first 25:

Jim Cramer, Jim Colasurdo, Chris Calascione, Mike Torrissi Jr., Rich Nichols, Al Francesco, Bob Comunale, Bruce Comunale, Rich Klose, Rich Preuster, Frank Lynch, Debbie Lynch, Mike Costello, Frank Scruci, Gary Ruble, Bill Ireland, Alan Beck, Bob Luderitz, Rick Galaida, Arnold Capuccio, Turk Curcio, Sam Curcio, Steve Hahn, Steve Costello, Brigitte Buie and why not end the first 25 with the Hall of Famer Brigitte! Now if you want to add to this list send me names, yes even yours and we will add some wonderful names of the great bowlers who have bowled in leagues here at the great house Didonatos Family Fun Center!

Onto the 600s in no certain order: Sean Alber again leads the parade with 230, 222 and 625. Robert Mattern 200, 227 and 621, Butch Bowden with 260, 222 and 679, Jeff Rees with 237, 211 and 638, Rick Rogers 200, 209 and 204 for 613, Mike Parker with 205, 237 and 626, Rich Preuster 220, 220 and 213 for 653, Matt Callo with 230, 262 and 200 for 692, Chris Nugent with 237, 208 and 632, Gary Doan 210, 263 and 656, Stinger 200, 221 and 612, Rich Klose visits our league with 228, 278 and 688, Mike Maxwell also visits and rolls 236, 263 and 665 and finally for his first 600 ever Rick Jones a tip of the cap and a 227 and 600 even well done Rick.

Before the 200 games and special mentions some newsy notes: The wonderful Philly teams Phan Tom Yarborough Won the strike pot tonight and took home 71 field goals that Nick Sirianni has not gone for as the Eagles coach. Way to go Tom!

Back Row Bingo carries 80 Thanksgiving place settings over to next week! Next Thursday November 21 is our in-league tournament and this month’s theme is: If it’s nice do it twice. We will repeat the format from last month tournament 3-2-1 Bowl. I got a lot of great compliments from that so let’s do it again.

Now to the 200's but first a tip of the cap to Tammy Richards who beat Mike Parker after his two big 200 games as she rolled a magnificent 195 to Mikes 184. As luck would have it, I am able to share this great news. Way to go Mike just kidding or...

The 200 games now: Jim Kenny a 213, Melissa Wilson a beautiful 205, Elaine Post a great 233, Jerome Davis a 203, Paul Kaiser a 200 even and that my friends closes out the scoring tonight. Remember we have just two weeks left before our holiday break for five weeks and I will miss you all. But we still have the next two and until Thursday night thank you and again send me your stories and names please.

See you next week for another This week in bowling and as I leave you this week I take you back to the 1940s and when a reporter finished his story he would yell out those two words that would get his story run up to the editor for approval and those infamous words were: COPY BOY. Have a great week.


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