HAMMONTON—People came out to show support for the Hammonton Cancer Foundation’s Dawn Baldwin Walk for Our Neighbors on June 1 at the Hammonton Middle School track.
Founded in 2007, the Hammonton Cancer Foundation raises funds to help cancer patients who need financial assistance.
There were about 125 people pre-registered for the walk and another 100 were expected to register the day of.
Hammonton Cancer Foundation President David Mauriello said the name of the walk was changed to honor Dawn Baldwin who was an original member of the Hammonton Cancer Foundation and the owner of Dance Magic who died on April 13, 2022.
“The walk is named for Miss Dawn Baldwin. She was an original member of the Hammonton Cancer Foundation who we lost a little over two years ago. The reason why it’s so important is because her energy, her passion, her drive and the importance of volunteerism for her were unmatched, and that’s why it’s important for us to continue to tribute her and have this be a memory to her,” Mauriello said.
“Miss Dawn’s troopers” and Dance Magic dancers attended the walk.
Sarah Watson, a parent of one of Miss Dawn’s troopers, said students and parents come out every year to show their support.
Dwight Baldwin, the husband of Dawn Baldwin, said helping our neighbors was important to her.
“I know how hard she worked for this group. She loved everybody in it. She loved the cause which is to help our neighbors that was always really important to her, and she did work really hard,” Baldwin said.
Before the walk started, Mauriello gave a speech.
“Thank you for coming out. It’s a beautiful day and we’re so happy you could be here.
Important things for us is to continue to celebrate survivorship and having loving memories of those that we’ve lost throughout the years,” Mauriello said.
After Mauriello’s speech Dwight Baldwin, the husband of Dawn Baldwin, addressed the
“Dawn loved this organization. She loved working to help all of our neighbors that was all very important to us, and that’s what this whole organization is about, helping our neighbors, and this is wonderful to see such a tremendous turnout for this. And we’re honored. My whole family is totally honored that you would remember her this way,” Baldwin said.
Baldwin gave Mauriello a $1,000 check for the Hammonton Cancer Foundation.
“We have Dance Magic here. They’re going to be walking today. They’ve continued on with the same type of volunteerism, the same type of energy and are doing fundraisers all throughout the course of the year and often to benefit our organization so thank you to Dance Magic as well,” Mauriello said.
He then thanked the Hammonton Police Department, Hammonton Fire Department, Hammonton Board of Education, Hammonton School District, the administration, sponsors, family and friends for their support.
“As I look around, I see the same faces year after year after year. People who are generous.
People who believe in what we’re trying to accomplish, and without you we couldn’t do it. So I’m very appreciative and thankful. While we have a great organization, it’s our community that makes it successful so thank you to all of you,” Mauriello said.
The first lap of the walk was led by cancer survivors holding carnations with their families.
Several people attended including Hammonton Police Chief Kevin Friel with his dog Storm, Councilwoman Renee Rodio, Councilman Sam Rodio, Councilman Steven Furgione and Hammonton Board of Education President John Lyons.