HAMMONTON—The Hammonton Planning Board approved an application to build 60 town homes on West End Avenue on Feb. 7 at town hall.
Councilman and planning board chairman William Olivo read the application from West End Development.
“Applicant seeks approval for preliminary and final and major subdivisions to subdivide lots into 63 lots, 60 of which will contain residential town home units for single family attached dwellings,” Olivo said.
The project is located on Washington Street and Messina Avenue and Orchard Street and Fairview Avenue. Three of the lots will have draining basins.
Nicholas Talvacchia, an attorney from Cooper Levenson, represented the applicant.
Talvacchia said the project has been reviewed already by the Hammonton Environmental Commission.
Brian Peterman, an engineer who prepared the site plan, went over the redevelopment project in detail.
For parking stalls, Peterman said they are looking to have a parking stall in each garage and two in each driveway.
“So for 60 units, we’re providing 180 stalls and then what we’re looking to do is designate and add additional 46 parking stalls along the street for a total of 226 stalls where an actual 144 are required,” Peterman said.
The construction schedule will have five phases and it is estimated to take 12 to 24 months to complete.
During the first phase, old structures will be demolished.
When it was time for the public to give their thoughts on the application, Leslie LoSasso who lives on Washington Avenue discussed her concerns with traffic.
“I think the state or the town’s going to have to put pretty big flashing stop signs lights because that’s a very little traveled road, West End, right now, so that’s a concern people going into that hill,” LoSasso said.
Santo Ciraolo of West Pleasant Street discussed his concerns with possible damage to his property.
“My house is one foot off the property line. My grandfather built it 100 years ago with intentions of building another house on the other corner, so when all of this equipment comes through if I sustain damage to my house, who’s going to be responsible for it?”
One of the applicant’s representatives said Ciraolo would have to contact the insurance company.
Mildred Ciraolo, Santo Ciraolo’s wife, also gave her concerns. She didn’t want some of the trees to come down. An arborist had recommended the applicant to take down the old trees and plant new ones.
“I want you to understand I’m not in favor of it if anybody asks me,” Mildred Ciraolo said.
When it was time to vote, board member Edward Wuillermin made a motion to approve the preliminary and final site plan and major subdivision with C-variances. Board member Michael Messina seconded the motion, which was approved unanimously by all present.
“We’re looking forward to this project and that whole West End Development coming in. A lot of things are going to be happening on West End I hope,” Olivo said.
There were two other applications the planning board reviewed.
The first application was from James Sassano of 447 Bellevue Ave. who according to Olivo “seeks to make adjustment to a previously approved minor subdivision with variances.”
Brian Howell, an attorney who represents Sassano, said they were at the planning board at the end of 2022 for a resolution approved in early 2023.
“The property at Bellevue and Packard, the open space there is being converted to residential building lots. On further reflection by Mr. Sassano, he wishes to create a 12-foot separation from the side lot to the next property line. He wants to be able to have access on Packard Street to take leaves out and that sort of activity. All the lots will still be conforming.
There’s no need for variances beyond what we received last time, and it’s a very simple application,” Howell said.
According to Howell, the only lot taking the 12 feet loss is the lot at the corner of Bellevue and Packard.
“That access path, that 12-foot path, for the purposes I’ve said will connect to his residential lot that runs from Bellevue,” Howell said.
Howell said he spoke to the neighbor who said he was in favor of the application and that the neighbor signed an affidavit in support of the application.
Town planner Stuart Wiser said from a planning standpoint there’s no change in any of the regulated statistics, requirements or dimensions.
“From a planning standpoint, we have no problem,” Wiser said.
Town engineer Mark Herrmann of Adams, Rehmann and Heggan Associates (ARH) said from an engineering perspective, there are no issues.
Board member Jonathan Baske made a motion to approve the application. Wuillermin
seconded the motion, which was approved unanimously by all present.
The second application was from the Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Society.
“Applicant seeks approval to construct a proposed lean-to structure located at the southeast corner of the existing pavilion on Lot 1, which is located in downtown D21 zoning district,” Olivo said.
Joseph Pantalone represented Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Society.
The application seeks variances for lot coverage and a rear setback, 1.9 feet off the back for the accessory structure.
Wuillermin asked if they talked to the adjoining property neighbor.
“I did not personally. I believe my brother has. My brother is out of town. He would’ve been here. We have a very good relationship with the neighbors. We have to because of what we put forth during the course of the Feast, so I don’t believe there’s any problem,” Pantalone said.
Olivo asked if there’s any additional runoff.
“Runoff is coming off the building right now and whatever that would come off the building would’ve hit the concrete pad. Instead of hitting the concrete pad, it’s hitting the lean-to and is going off to the stone bed,” Pantalone said.
Wiser said there were a couple of items that were not received from the applicant. He said a locational map wasn’t submitted and asked a zoning table be added as well as a sketch of the lean-to.
“We had asked for some kind of sketch or catalog reproduction of the proposed lean-to,” Wiser said.
Olivo said he wants to see what the structure will look like.
The planning board motioned for the applicant to come back to the planning board on March 6 with the additional items requested.
The next Planning Board meeting will be on February 21 at 7 p.m. at town hall.