Hammonton High School held their National Honor Society (NHS) induction ceremony at the Hammonton High School Performing Arts Center (PAC) on Jan. 26 at 7 p.m. With a packed house of family members in attendance at the PAC, the ceremony saw the recognition of present NHS members as well as the induction of new members from the class of 2023 and 2024.
Hammonton High School Principal Thomas Ramsay began the ceremony by giving welcoming remarks to students and parents on this special night. Ramsay acknowledged the faculty members in attendance who made this ceremony possible: superintendent Robin Chieco, assistant superintendent Tammy Leonard and assistant principals Tim White and Jeffrey Hinson.
The inductees were given a gold sash as well as a royal blue satin pendant as their names were announced. Faculty council members were given the podium to give remarks to the audience. President Abigail Baines gave the president’s welcome and the cardinal principles, vice president Danielle Drialo talked scholarship, secretary Cole Herrmann talked leadership, treasurer Emma Peretti talked service and historian Tiffany Paretti talked character and presentation of symbols and colors.
“We are gathered here today to recognize and celebrate the students who have been carefully selected by the faculty of our school for completing their tendency and being inducted as new members of our NHS chapter. For current members and former members, we hope this will serve as a reminder of the standards and excellence. We are charged with maintaining the standards as members of the nation’s oldest, largest and most prestigious student recognition program,” Baines said at the ceremony.
Ramsey then spoke of the qualifications needed for membership into the NHS. Qualifications include being academically eligible, all academically eligible students must complete a student activity information form, all faculty participating in the completion of a reference survey for the students who completed the student activity information form and then five students will be selected to serve on the faculty council.
Inductees of the class of 2023 are as followed: Avila Fatima, Ariana Cruz, Ethan Dustman, Josephine Fanelli, Olivia Maillet, Shane McSorley, Hailey Reese, Queylin Reyes, Hayden Seiberlich, Juliana Taglioli, Ingris Torres, Orlin Torres and Allison Wolf.
Inductees of the class of 2024 are as followed: Kariana Aponte, Mia Bailey, Thomas Barker, Lawrence Baylock, Ryan Beebe, Madison Brown, Marissa Cable, Elsie Canizales, Jonavon Carde, Angelina Catania, Chloe Comunale, Angelina Cortellessa, Luke Curcio, Illiana DeJesus, Grace Donio, Connor Eberly, Victoria Esau, Dylan Falcone, Zoe Fortino, Abigail Goblirsch, Luke Griscom, Grace Hackett, Kimberly Hatch, Lidia Hetzel, Frank Italiano, William Johnson, Declan Lamon, Brooke Lanutti, Matthew Martino, Allison Moles, Adriel Montecillo, Nicholas Nocella, Mia Piro, Sophia Pullia, Michael Robinson, Tristan Rodriguez, Isabella Royer, Julianna Ruhf, Michael Ryan, Ava Santiago, Erica Schulz and John Waddell.
All new inductees will join the present NHS members from the class of 2023. Each member of the student council took turns announcing the list of inductees and giving a brief description of the student’s accomplishments, college or university they will be attending, what they will be majoring in and the career and goal that they plan to pursue when they enroll and plan to graduate. Each member was given their royal blue satin pendant, signed off on the NHS table that was set up in the middle of the stage and were acknowledged by Ramsey, Hinson and White. They then saluted the NHS torch that is located in the back of the stage as they aligned themselves with the other inductees in the stage.
The ceremony concluded with Baines giving closing remarks and to give thanks and gratitude to those who contributed to the reception as well as the assistance and direction given to the students. The gratitude was extended to the following: Ramsay, Myra-Lynn Doughty, Sharon Murray, Paul Torres, Chef Lou Caruso and the Hammonton Education Association, Marissa Carrafiello-Rodio, Christine Throckmorton and Susan Salvatore. The inductees then gave the NHS pledge, which was led by Baines.
“Each National Honor Society member wears the collar, which bears the letters SLSC, representing the four qualities of the flaming torch. The flaming torch is the symbol of our focus to carry forward the search and light of truth and to lead others followingly,” Baines said.