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Lions celebrate 60 years of service

Writer: The Hammonton GazetteThe Hammonton Gazette

Alvino, Wiessner honored as Life Members

Courtesy Photo Hammonton Lions Club President Lori Orsi (left) presents Lions International Life Member Certificates to Lion Thomas Alvino (right) and Lion John Wiessner (center). For story and more photos, see Page 8.

The Hammonton Lions Club celebrated its 60 years of service on March 5 at The alley Bar & Grille.

Courtesy Photo Lions receive chevrons for the Years of Service from DG Donna Freidel. Pictured (l-r): Lion Arthur Orsi - 55 years, Lion Carol Orsi - 25 years, Lion Kathy Velardi - 25 years, DG Freidel, King Lion Lori Orsi - 20 years, Lion Gina Giralo - 10 years and 1st Vice District Governor Terry Rosiak. Not pictured: Lions Lenny Long, Helen Knox, Frank Johnson and Steve Kincaid - 10 years, Lions Mary and Jack Gillespie - 20 years, Lion Pat Aloisio - 35 years and Lion Nick Perone - 45 years.

After a brief business meeting, King Lion Lori Orsi introduced Lion Lauren Harper, HHS Leo Club Advisor who spoke about the project that Lions and Leos are collaborating on by writing stories of Lions members to keep the club’s past alive, take pride in our present service and look forward to our future. The project will culminate in a booklet with the stories of all the Lions who volunteered to participate to commemorate the club’s 60th anniversary. The idea for this project was generated from Lions International President Dr. Patti Hill whose program for this year includes “promoting Lionism through our stories.”

Leos Christina White and Amber Miller interviewed Lions then presented excerpts from the stories of Lions John Wiessner and Tom Alvino who have been members for more than 45 years. Their stories highlighted past projects and activities of the club which included turkey shoots, bike-a-thons, Fright for Sight, the Gold Raffle, Peace Poster contests, White Cane events as well as club meetings and trips. Everyone in attendance enjoyed the fond memories shared by the two long time Lions.

Courtesy Photo District 16L Governor Donna Freidel presents an International President’s Certificate of Appreciation to Lion Sam Seitles.

King Lion Lori who has been a Lion for 20 years, spoke of her involvement in the club since she was a child because her father Arthur Orsi was a Lions member. She has known Lions Tom and John for many years and is proud to serve with them. They have been involved in all Lions projects and held many leadership positions, both serving as memorable Tail Twisters. Lion Tom is still serving in that role while Lion John continues to personally and generously support our fundraising projects. Both men truly exemplify the Lions motto, “We Serve.”

King Lion Lori then called Lions Tom and John to the podium to make a special presentation. “In honor and with deepest gratitude for your outstanding service in Lionism, our Board of Directors has voted to use a portion of the funds that were donated to the club in Lion Sal Velardi’s memory to honor you as life members of Lions International. Lion Kathy Velardi is very pleased and we know that Lion Sal would have been so very proud.”

Following the presentation, District 16L Governor Donna Freidel congratulated the club on 60 years of outstanding service. She praised the Hammonton Lions for their dedicated support of Lions projects and programs and service to the Hammonton community.

Courtesy Photo Lions 60th Anniversary cake.

The District Governor presented a Certificate of Appreciation to Lion Sam Seitles from Past International President Brian Sheehan recognizing his distinguished achievements in Lionism. The District Governor then presented chevrons to several Lions for their years of service ranging from 10 to 55 years.


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