To the Editor,
In March of 2020, when COVID-19 hit the U.S. with extreme viciousness, the town of Hammonton’s response was immediate and inspiring. Among Mayor Stephen DiDonato’s early actions was the development of the Community Goodwill Committee (CGC). We were asked by the mayor to co-chair the committee and were happy to try and help in whatever way he thought appropriate. We were blown away by the willingness of nearly 50 volunteers to join the effort to identify ways to help our fellow citizens navigate the enormous impacts of COVID-19 that we were experiencing in the spring of 2020 and that continued to evolve over the coming months and beyond.
We were then and are still in awe of the individuals who reached out to assist at a time when they too were experiencing personal stressors from COVID-19 – job and other economic insecurities, significant health concerns for themselves and their loved ones, educational challenges for their children and family members. Sadly, the list goes on and on but despite all of this, these individuals offered their time and talents to our committee to benefit the Hammonton community. We want to take this opportunity to thank the following CGC members for their devotion to the citizens of Hammonton, particularly during a time of significant personal hardships:
Jim Bacon, Jared Barton, Bernadette Bickel, Christina Birchler, Jon Bradley, Melissa Castone, Robin Chieco, Susan Coan, Kelly Donio, Tricia Donio, Myra Doughty, Kelli Fallon, Charlie Fredericks, Susie Fuhrman, Loraine Griffiths, Dave Gruen, Ivette Guillermo-McGahee, Hammonton Baptist Church members, Patrick Harding, Sarah Harding, Danays Hernandez, Jane Hughes, Meghan Hurley, Erin Husta, John Iacovelli, Frank Johnson, Johanna Johnson, Miguel Juan, Adam Krell, Chris Lutz, Pastor Dan McAnney, Teri Macri, Luis Maldonado, Copelia Morales, Ed Muller, Alicia Murphy, Dave Murphy, Jordan Niles, Carol Orsi, Pastor Anthony Parise, Kerri Patton, Nicole Raso, Sam Seitles, Roseann Struble, Carol Valenti, Robert Vettese, Alison Wertz and Mary Young.
Your commitment to your neighbors is inspirational and we are forever grateful for the opportunity to work side by side with you. Thank you, thank you.
Lisa Maiale-Howell
CGC Volunteer
Tom Gribbin
Deputy Mayor, Town of Hammonton