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Letters to the Editor

Writer: The Hammonton GazetteThe Hammonton Gazette

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To the Editor:

Hello, my name is Joseph Caruso Jr., candidate for town council. It has been written that doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results is the definition of insanity.

Eighteen years clearly qualifies as over and over. The Republican team and I will do the things our town needs to do to bring back the wonderful town we know and love. The town needs to bolster our services to the residents.

In this ever changing world we live in, we deserve to enjoy the benefits of a small community without paying big “city” taxes. Our local services are running at a bare minimum. To have better services, it costs money. We need to entice more ratables to our town so the current homeowner won’t pay the price. Our tax dollars should not be spent on things to benefit the few, like becoming a landlord, for one, pushing tax dollars to support theaters, year after year for two and settling lawsuits because our current council has made bad decisions for three, to mention a few.

Help return some sanity, honesty and transparency to our local government and vote for the change we need, all three seats on row A. We thank you for your support.

Joseph Caruso Jr.

Candidate for Town Council


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