To the Editor:
I’m Mickey Pullia and on Election Day this Nov. 7, you have a chance to vote for a real conservative leader on the Hammonton Board of Education.
I pledge to protect the rights of parents and to fight against the Trenton liberals who are pushing a political agenda in our classrooms. I’m a lifelong Hammonton resident, and my family has lived here for the past five generations. As a former Vice President of the Hammonton Board of Education and former Deputy Mayor of the Town of Hammonton, I’m the most qualified candidate on the ballot. For nearly 40 years, I’ve also served as a volunteer with Hammonton Fire Company #1 and have served as Assistant Chief.
Other candidates will tell you that the school board is non-partisan and politics aren’t involved in the decisions being made on behalf of our children each day. That’s simply not accurate. The truth is, we have an activist Governor in Phil Murphy who is trying to shove his agenda into our kids’ classrooms through flimsy legal arguments and executive orders. We need to take a stand and preserve the character of our schools and stand up for our children.
I’m a graduate of Stockton University and a partner in my family’s insurance and real estate business. We’ve been a pillar in the Hammonton community for over 100 years and continue to put our customers above the bottom line. The values I learned in business drive me in my public service. As a board member, I’ll support initiatives which benefit our students and place education first. Public schools are a place where our children need to feel safe and free to learn and grow. Not a place where children are confronted with mandated sex education discussions that belong at the kitchen table, not in school.
I’m happy to discuss my views anytime at 609-442-1200. On Nov. 7, vote Mickey Pullia for Hammonton Board of Education and put an end to the liberal agenda in our classrooms.
Mickey Pullia
Board of Education Candidate