To the Editor:
My name is Carmen Bartolone. Our company is called High Maintenance Cannabis Company LLC.
We made a presentation to the mayor and council asking for permission to open a dispensary in Hammonton two and a half months ago and they said they would put a committee together to discuss this opportunity for the town and as of last week no committee was formed and no talks were had.
We feel this is a great opportunity for the town to have a business that has the potential to generate a million dollars a year for the town from the 2 percent of our total sales and we think it would be a priority especially since 64 percent of our town voted in favor of cannabis legislation.
With the many locations in walking distance from town hall where alcohol is sold and consumed, some are allowed to consume right in the street and don’t contribute any of their sales to the town. We feel that this is a no brainer for the town. We have no issues with any legal business but the difference is the town benefits by receiving 2 percent of our total sales the only business required to do so, so why not benefit from another legal business?
Carmen Bartolone
High Maintenance Cannabis Company LLC