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Groundhog Day reminds us cold, dark days are behind

Writer: Jaime WuillerminJaime Wuillermin

In my view, Groundhog Day is an amusing date on the calendar that catches us off guard right after the new year, signaling to my farmer husband that his brief respite from the demanding farm work is drawing to a close. Every year as Feb. 2 approaches, I can anticipate Michael muttering about Groundhog Day arriving faster than the previous year.

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Celebrated in both Canada and the United States on Feb. 2, Groundhog Day is known for its attempt to forecast the arrival of spring or the persistence of cold weather, along with the potential for more frost and snow for an additional six weeks. This prediction is based on whether a woodland creature sees its shadow when pulled from its warm, cozy home by a group of gentlemen in Punxsutawney, Pa.

The 1993 movie Groundhog Day aptly mirrors my husband’s experience during the hectic mid-summer days on the farm, where the routine of 4 a.m. to 7 p.m. becomes a blur, and the days seem to repeat themselves, reminiscent of Bill Murray’s character waking up at the same time and reliving the same day repeatedly.

As a mother of four, I often find myself encountering each Monday and going through similar weekly routines, adjusting the schedule based on sports events and holidays filling the calendar. Whether it’s planning for practices, games, tournaments, preparing meals or fitting in family and friend birthday celebrations, life occasionally feels like it’s on repeat, much like the familiar feeling of Groundhog Day.

For me, Groundhog Day signifies the time to dust off the baseball equipment and plan our youngest son’s birthday celebration. It also serves as a reminder that the cold, dark days of winter are nearly behind us, and the prospect of bright, sunny days with warm weather and open windows is on the horizon. Spring holds a special significance as it marks the day Michael and I were married, March 20, symbolizing the regrowth of plants and trees and inspiring a sense of renewal, even in the face of challenging seasons.

At times, we all crave a Groundhog Day moment, akin to the movie, to rectify things we could have done better yesterday and pay attention to details we might have overlooked in the rush of the day. Perhaps Groundhog Day, beyond its weather prediction role, can serve as a reminder to appreciate each season and not over-plan, allowing for spontaneity and embracing changes as they unfold—much like the unpredictable nature of the weather, even beyond the groundhog’s forecasting abilities.

Jaime Wuillermin is the officer manager for The Hammonton Gazette. Her and her family reside in Hammonton.


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