Editorial board
targets balance, depth
The Gazette Editorial Board is comprised of Gazette writers and contributors who offer their own perspective on today’s issues and with input on thoughts, ideas and information from residents of our community. The views expressed by the Editorial Board and published as editorials or commentary are independent thoughts and opinions intended to offer our audience with a wide range of ideas, theories and observations essential to developing thought-provoking dialog on topics of interest to our readers.
The Gazette welcomes opposing views, rebuttals, general letters-to-the-editor and topical suggestions from the public. The board meets weekly to debate, discuss,
and review significant topics relatable to our audience. In general, it is a consensus of the board, who review facts, discuss theories, explore possibilities and ultimately formulate conclusions, that are published as an editorial. The final editorial is the collective discussion of a variety of individuals providing various experiences, expertise and viewpoints. That is why editorials appear without bylines.
The Gazette Editorial Board approaches each topic guided by fundamental values designed to offer thought-provoking views, positions and counterpoints to established opinions. Those values include encouraging topical public debate on various issues, including and especially those requiring the guarding against oppressive government; corporate or other infringement on the publics’ personal freedoms; freedoms deemed rightfully afforded to all citizens no matter their gender, race, sexual orientation, political or personal affiliations/beliefs. The editorial board, along with The Gazette, is committed to freedom of speech for all with the purpose of providing open and honest debate of opinions, thoughts, and ideas.
The Editorial Board provides a voice for topics and interests covered within its articles, but that voice is not necessarily the voice of our individual employees or those affiliated with The Gazette. The Editorial Board, like the opinions they provide, should always be separate from fact-based reporting of the professional Gazette journalists.
The Gazette expects our journalists and correspondents to set aside personal opinions in the pursuit and publication of unbiased news. As for the editorial pages, we encourage our staff and the public to share and express their varying thoughts and opinions with the ultimate goal of creating a platform for public discourse.
A free press is founded on news by the people and for the people.